Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year

Next year Christmas is full moon,
hopefully this we fully luck,
and that dreams are fulfilled for everyone
and removes the problems and misfortune.

 Raising the year from step to step
we can travelling deep.

 Happy or Feliz


Africano - Gelukkige nuwe jaar
Alemán - Glückliches neues Jahr
Árabe - Antum salimoun
Armenio - Shenoraavor nor dari yev pari gaghand
Austríaco - A guads neichs johr olle mitanand
Bengali (Bangladesh/India) - Shuvo nabo barsho
Búlgaro - Tchesti nova godina
Catalán - Bon any nou
Chino - Xin nian yu kuai (mandarín) 
Sun nien fai lok (cantonés)
Checo - Štastný nový rok
Croata - uspješna nova godina
Danés - Godt nytår
Esperanto - Bonan novjaron
Español - Feliz año nuevo
Inuït - Kiortame pivdluaritlo
Euskera - Urte berri on
Finés - Onnellista uutta vuotta
Francés - Bonne année
Gallego - Feliz aninovo
Griego - Kenourios chronos
Hawaiano - Hauoli makahiki hou
Hebreo - L'Shannah tovah
Hindú - Subh nab Barsh
Holandés - Gelukkig nieuwjaar
Húngaro - Kellemes karacsonyiunnepeket
Indonés - Selamat tahun baru
Inglés - Happy new year
Irlandes - Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Italiano - Felice anno nuovo
Filipino - Manigong bagong taon
Japonés - Akemashite omedetô
koreano - Sehe bokmanee bateuseyo
Latín - Felix sit annus novus
Nigeriano - Barka da sabuwar shekara
Noruego - Godt nyttår
Persa - Aide shoma mobarak
Polaco - Szczesliwego nowego Roku
Portugués - Feliz ano novo
Rumano - La multi ani
Ruso - S novym godom
Serbio - Scecna nova godina
Swahili - Heri za mwaka mpya
Sueco - Gott nytt år
Tailandés - Sawadee pee mai
Turco - Yiliniz kutlu olsun
Ucranio - Shchastlyvoho novoho roku
Urdu - Nayya saal mubarak
Vietnamita - Chuc mung tan nien

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Happy Holiday

A lot of countries of the world just started Holiday,
above all do not forget to relax,
and hug it out everyone
as this animation wants remember.

At Christmas let's leave all that we have in hands
even the phone, and let's give us hugs as humans
because these inventions connect us
but don't forget people near you
and let's give us the sincere spark of the eyes
for sharing really sensations between everyone.

Happy Holiday

Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Solstice

The sky is a show which we can learn a lot.
However, our observation changes in our position.

Solstice from Tim Cahn on Vimeo.

The Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere
 behave in contrast.
While the first is the Winter Solstice,
 the second is the Summer Solstice and vice versa.
The zenith of the sky as a point directly above the observer
serves as a reference to see the change
 of the sun route throughout the year.

More about it on

Curious About Astronomy

Time And Date

Happy Solstice wherever you are.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Tribute to the Music

The wonderful power of Music changes us.
The message of the lyrics through the paper plane.
The inspiration of the melody through the guitar dancing.
The suggestive song "Five Miles Out" by Mike Oldfield.

Tribute to the Music from FLYKIT on Vimeo.

Thanks to Marta Costas for sharing this cool animation.

 The special sensibility of great singers
or the singular skill of great songwriters
increases our possibilities of knowledge.
Phil Ochs born on December 19 and is one
of these voices that remains for everyone.

Phil Ochs : Changes from Doug Lang on Vimeo.

"Changes" by Phil Ochs

Sit by my side, come as close as the air
And share in a memory of gray
And wander in my words
Dream about the pictures that I play of changes

Green leaves of summer turn red in the fall
To brown and to yellow, they fade
And then they have to die
Trapped within the circle time parade of changes

Scenes of my young years were warm in my mind
Visions of shadows that shine
'Til one day I returned and found they were
The victims of the vines of changes

The world's spinning madly, it drifts in the dark
It Swings through a hollow of haze
A race around the stars
Journey through the universe ablaze with changes

Moments of magic will glow in the night
All fears of the forest are gone
But when the morning breaks
They're swept away by golden drops of dawn of changes

Passions will part to a strange melody
As fires will sometimes burn cold
Like petals in the wind
We're puppets to the silver strings of souls of changes

Your tears will be trembling, now we're somewhere else
One last cup of wine we will pour
And I'll kiss you one more time
And leave you on the rolling river shore of changes

So sit by my side, come as close as the air
And share in a memory of gray
And wander in my words
Dream about the pictures that I play of changes

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The best gift

Your sincere friendship can be the best gift.
The child who remains forever inside us can remember that.
Congratulation to everyone who are dedicated sincerely to others.

Let's explore.

Liam's Cute Hands from Megan Sweeney on Vimeo.

Let's fly.

A Toy Train in Space from Ron Fugelseth on Vimeo.

 Let's play with enthusiasm.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Christmas Crackers

Have a Cracking or Excellent Christmas.

Cracking Christmas from The House on Vimeo.

Christmas cracker are part of Christmas celebrations
primarily in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Commonwealth nations
 such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa.

 A cracker consists of a cardboard tube wrapped
in a brightly twist of paper which is pulled
by two people with arms crossed.

You can get a gift or you can get a joke
but you will have fun when the cracker breaks.

  Make your own Crackers  

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Mister Adjective

What about playing with Mr. Adjective ?
You can learn some expressive words.

Mr. Adjective from FLYKIT on Vimeo.

You can print and cut these images
and words to playing to couples.

More interesting adjectives:

 alphabetical order

by caregories

Thursday, December 4, 2014

An adventurer ABC

What about revise the ABC traveling around the world?

ABCs: Around the World with Mo from Mark Farris on Vimeo.

"Mo the panda bear takes a trip across
 the whole world, visiting one country 
for each letter of the alphabet.

A - Australia, B - Brazil, C- Canada, D - Denmark,
E - Egypt, F - France, G - Greece, H - Honduras,
I - India, J - Japan, K - Kenya, L - Lebanon,
M - Morocco, N - Norway, O - Oman, P - Peru,
Q - Qatar, R - Russia, S - Spain, T - Turkey,
U - United States, V - Venezuela, W - Wales,
X - meXico, Y - Yemen, Z - Zimbabwe"

Thanks to Mark Farris for sharing this great animation.

More about a virtual tour
where you can know all the world countries

Monday, December 1, 2014

An analogic watch as a compass

An analog watch can serve as a compass.
We must put it into solar time.
Place the hour hand towards the sun.
Look for the midpoint of the angle between it and the number twelve.
This point is the South. On the opposite side is the North.
On the right is the West. On the left is the East.

For more details on this interesting trick
and how changes in the Southern Hemisphere 
This trick and other observation
useful for orientation